May 2019

Change Pro-Tip: Lining Up The Betters

Changing Pro-Tip: When I remember to line up the"betters", so my "better" is their "better" is his or her "better", my changes go a lot better. A refresher, my definition of coaching is "Creating or exploiting openings through which individuals, including sometimes myself, can step closer to who they wish they were." This is all about "better". When I am being paid to make changes in organizations, there are always a bunch of these "betters" floating around. There’s almost always […]

Change Pro-Tip: Lining Up The Betters See Full Post

Change Pro-Tip: All The Knobs A Little, All The Knobs A Little

Change Pro-Tip: All the knobs a little, all the knobs a little, over and over again, is how I’ve make my most successful changes, in code and organizations alike. A while back, I mused first about "Always Small, Always Improve" and I later elaborated "Always Small, Always Better, Always Wrong". Lo these two decades ago, we characterized eXtreme Programming as turning all the knobs to 11. I’ve always loved that metaphor, and I still believe in it. But my strategy

Change Pro-Tip: All The Knobs A Little, All The Knobs A Little See Full Post

Geekery Pro-Tip: Think Less, Sense More

Geekery Pro-Tip: I frequently remind myself: Think Less, Sense More. It’s advice I give to me all over the place, from the most technical parts of the sociotechnical fractal to the most social parts of it. It’s an odd thing to say, so we better dig in to it a little. I’ve recently come from a conference. This was a good one for me, full of old friends and new, smart crazy passionate people coming together to figure out what

Geekery Pro-Tip: Think Less, Sense More See Full Post

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