
Real Programming S01E03: Baby Needs New Shoes!

This entry is part 3 of 10 in the series Real Programming

Real Programming S01E03: Baby Needs New Shoes! Watching those itty-bitty numbers for the dice is making me crazy, so let’s get some dice images going today! If you want to follow along in the code, the project is Transcript Hey there. Welcome to episode 3 of Real Programming, the show where we’re still trying […]

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Real Programming S01E02: Look, Ma! A Test!

This entry is part 2 of 10 in the series Real Programming

Real Programming S01E02: Look, Ma! A Test Last time we did a rapid-fire model/view split, just so we could test. Now we gotta test this bad boy a little! If you want to follow along in the code, the project is Hey, it’s GeePaw and I still have Wally, and Molly’s off camera, and

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Real Programming S01E01: Getting Started | Video

This entry is part 1 of 10 in the series Real Programming

(Video: Real Programming S01E01: Getting Started Hi Folks! In this first episode we lay the groundwork for a simple desktop Yahtzee application. If you want to follow along in the code, the project is Transcript Hey, folks. It’s GeePaw sitting out here on my deck, where I do most of my work in

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Discipline: A Short Rant

People use the word "discipline" reasonably often when they talk about the software trade. I tend to avoid that word, and I wish more folks followed me in that policy. Most of those folks are not meaning anything untoward. They might easily use "orderly", "consistent", "persistent", "systematic", and so on, instead of "discipline", and as

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