September 2019

Endpointing & Nextstepping

In our trade, a great deal depends on the distinction between two ideas, manifested as behaviors, cutlures, practice-sets, attitudes, approaches, whatever you call it. I call these ideas "endpointing" and "nextstepping". The central thesis of endpointing: "There’s a finish line, and it’s what matters most." The central thesis of next-stepping: "There’s no finish line, and […]

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TSD #2: Short Session, Long Notes

This entry is part [part not set] of 2 in the series TSD Development

TSD Development: First short TDD session pushed. I said I’d start yesterday, but instead I played a computer game most of the day. This was short and sweet, so there’s just three simple points of interest, one noticed infrastructure problem, then I’ll move on to the next part. POI #1: This was textbook TDD,

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TSD #1: Early Thoughts, Tests, Code

This entry is part [part not set] of 2 in the series TSD Development

TSD Development: The first thing to do is make a thing that accepts key-value pair assignments to make a tree. Since kotlin readily supports map-like assignments, the first minor-leage case looks like this: output["key"] = "value" That resembles a map, by design, but it isn’t one. Later cases will elaborate this, but the secret sauce

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MCE #2: Mindful, Collaborative, Experimental

This entry is part [part not set] of 3 in the series Mindful Collaborative Experimental

My mindfulness works in large part by way of changing my identity, my sense of "who I am". Before I even inch into this, I just gotta remind you that you’re reading the words of someone who is an obnoxious wise-cracking irreligious unspiritual foul-mouthed dirty-minded unmystical hardcore computer geek. It’s important to say, because after

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MCE #1: Mindful, Collaborative, Experimental

This entry is part [part not set] of 3 in the series Mindful Collaborative Experimental

The majority of the time, my successful collaborations begin deep within me, and so do my unsuccessful ones. (Part of the reason I’ve been so quiet these days since first talking about collaboration has been finding a way into my take. What is the most important story? How can I tell it? What advice, if

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UDispatch #5: What is TSD?

This entry is part [part not set] of 5 in the series UDispatch

So. What is TSD? It’s a small library whose purpose is to make it easy to collect, render, compare, diff, and test tree-shaped data. Once we get past basic programming, it is very common to have to create orchestras of objects that form conceptual trees. Note, these aren’t literal trees. Hmmm. Better talk about that.

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Old White Guys and Agility

I’d like to take a second to address a trope I see here and there about the founding of the agile community. It’s the stuff about "old white men". Non-trigger warning: relax. This isn’t a rant. BTW, I hate using the word "agile" for our movement, & usually use circumlocutions to avoid it. I believe

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