
Acculturation: A Little Deeper

I’ve mentioned "acculturation" a couple of times lately. Let’s dig in a little deeper on that. In our trade, we make much of "education", training and learning and skills inventories and such-like. I say we make much of it, well. That’s an overstatement, of course. Companies talk about it a great deal. But i’m often struck by fabulously wealthy companies who are utterly dependent on and desperately needful of geek skills and won’t pay a dime to improve them. But […]

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How to Grow and Keep Geeks

So, in recent muses, i’ve tried to establish that our next step is a) restructuring economy to b) grow & keep geeks. How? What changes do I make in my org, assuming that I have restructured the economy to give me space to do so, to increase the org’s ability to grow and keep geeks? In no particular order, then, here are a bunch of ideas about this. 1: Stop hiring people whose chief attribute is their capacious memory for

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Growing and Keeping Geeks

From yesterday’s dark muse, this: i need stronger geeks. But I can't *get* stronger geeks without attending first and foremost to *growing* them and *keeping* them. — Michael D. Hill (@GeePawHill) August 12, 2018 #### Let’s go there. I believe we are consistently failing in the geek trade. By failing, I mean that we who do the work do not broadly satisfy those for whom we do it. If we were selling some service or commodity that could be substituted

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Restructuring the Debts In The Geek Trade

It seems to me that a very great deal of "agile" advice has an implicit prefix, "assuming your team is close to healthy," you should … The assumption of reasonable health just — to put it as gently as I can manage — doesn’t seem like the sort of assumption we should be making. The industry — agile & otherwise — is in terrible shape. The demand for geekery seems to rise year after year, and it brings with it

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Fear, Coaches, and the Will To Fail

Coaches, let’s talk about fear and — not the team — fear and the coach. I get to meet and speak with a lot of coaches, which pleases me. Because i’m an introvert with a taste for authenticity, I am also lucky enough to quite often get them in small groups or one-on-one where folks stop marketing and start sharing. For years, i’ve noticed that a great many of them live daily with the belief that they are not good

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Sticky Change: Changers Feel Better

Yesterday, this popped out. two very common misconceptions: 1) that it is possible to organize your way into agility. 2) that the secret to sticky change is anything other than “changers feel better”. Michael D. Hill (@GeePawHill) April 19, 2018 Today I want to elaborate a little on that second point, that sticky change happens when the changers feel better. All three words of “changes feel better” carry weight, have subtleties, and present possible fail points, so let’s look at

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Success Theater, Corruption, and My Own Medicine

The more I work higher up the chain, the more I encounter folks who are openly seeking success theater, w/no interest or concern for actual value. This observation blinded me for many years. I have an odd-shaped-to-some but very strong sense of personal responsibility, myself, and I am no less prone to moralizing judgments than the next old testament prophet. My reactions varied, often enough based quite unfairly on the simple metric of how much I liked the person in

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Methods Don’t Create Health

Maybe the real first wrong was the slide into "method" in the first place. Have you ever known yourself to behave in a way that is generally perceived as neutral or even positive, but in a way that is actually doing you or others harm? Depressive Solitaire My work makes me think a lot. And I quite often do that thinking on a low boil in the background, as i’m doing something else, most often for me playing a game.

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How I Get Them To Do What I Want

A little more on coaching theory today… Folks ask me a lot of questions whose fundamental focus could be expressed as "how do you get them to do what you want them to do?" so. Here goes. I hereby reveal my entire competitive advantage as a professional coach, by telling you my special secret for how I get them to do what I want them to do. I don’t. I don’t get them to do what I want them to

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Coaching? Like People | Video

Hey, there, it’s GeePaw! And you are watching the first ever GeePaw video aimed specifically at coaches. I hope you like it. Do you know what the first absolute prerequisite for being a successful software development coach is? You have to like people. You have to like people. You have to like their style. You have to like their resistance. You have to like when they do the thing you want them to do. You have to like when they

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