
Mastery As Motivator: The M of RAMPS

This entry is part 14 of 15 in the series RAMPS

Let’s talk a little about mastery today, in the sense of the RAMPS conversation from yesterday. What is mastery-as-motivator, and what can we do about increasing its motivational force? As I said before, the motivational force called mastery is about how humans value their own growth. All of us carry around an idea, implicit or explicit, of how as individuals we could be "better". Mastery as motivator is the sense we have that we’re stepping towards that "better" as we […]

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A Sense Of Urgency: RAMPS As A Motivation Model

This entry is part 1 of 15 in the series RAMPS

A very common question: managers turn to me and say, "My team lacks a sense of urgency, how can I give them one?" After I get over the snarky replies — I come from a long line of "the managed" — I do have what I think is an answer: "Study the idea of RAMPS, find the missing or depleted elements, move to restore them. And friend, don’t expect you can do it using words." RAMPS is my acronym for

A Sense Of Urgency: RAMPS As A Motivation Model See Full Post

When I Need to Not Pair

So, a friend asked me to say more about "not pairing". As so often, it triggered me to muse. Sometimes I need to not pair. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love pairing. I love it for three reasons. It makes me a better geek. That is, I learn from pairing. Pairing makes two geeks more productive than if they solo’d. That is a pair writes mo’ better code than two solos. PAIRING IS AWESOMELY MORE FUN. But there are

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Done With “Technical Debt”

I am done with "technical debt" as a useful concept. As so often happens, an appealing idea happened, one with useful connections to the concrete, and we took it and ran with it. Unfortunately, that idea has more appeal than it does decision-making value. Folks justify the most ridiculous nonsense and put it under the heading of "technical debt". In particular, they write shitty code, I mean terrible code. They do this in the name of productivity. The claim is

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On Pedagogy In The Geek Trades

I find 4 major failings in both how & what we teach in geekery. We mostly don’t. That is, actual teaching of actual geekery-for-a-living is almost non-existent. We suffer in attitude & content & structure from the trivially flawed “information transfer” view of what teaching & learning is. We purport to more knowledge than we actually have, teaching crude guesses as if they were writ, and aphorisms as if they were Euclid. We withdraw the field, abrogating our responsibility and

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Choosing A Coaching Story To Work

Still feeling it, so, a sidebar on choosing which coaching stories to work… I was raised in XP, and as such, I imbibed the concept of "most important story" heavily. When I’d show up at these shops, I’d be replete with the wonder of myself, and I’d look out on the horizon of broken things, and I’d pick. And I picked "the most important story". To me, that meant the thing that is most ruining their ability to ship. But

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How I Don’t Apply XP, or Scrum, or Anything

These wrangles over system seem mis-focused. Moreover, they seem part of the surface of the elephant i’ve been trying to describe. A system is inherently an abstraction. It compresses, filters, selects, features from an experienced reality. We formulate systems for at least 3 reasons. First, so we can establish commonality. That is, we can use one system to describe a bunch of "different" local realities. We can say, "yes, that’s python and the web, that’s c and the pacemaker, but

How I Don’t Apply XP, or Scrum, or Anything See Full Post

What’s Coaching?

I’ve been mulling over what I do as a coach, for lo these many years, actually, and I feel like sharing some of it. I coach: I create or exploit openings through which individuals, including sometimes myself, can step closer to who they wish they were. I came to coaching early on in the movement. I was already a teacher and tended to be a leader in teams. I glommed onto XP immediately, and just as immediately started promulgating it

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Defining Agile: A Musing

Defining Agile Sooooo, I saw a couple folks arguing earlier about what is or isn’t Agile. That’s okay. People do that. Analytical people thrive on doing that. Anyone who’s gotten to the level of journeyfolk in any arena will seek to define that arena. All very healthy stuff. Nowadays I tend to avoid these arguments. I have my reasons. First, there is no definition anywhere on earth of anything that can’t be abused or misused willfully or not. There is

Defining Agile: A Musing See Full Post

User Stories Are Playing Pieces: The “Right Writing” Is Wrong

User Stories If you are concerned about how you write a user story, you have missed the entire point. A user story is a little card that reminds us of all the actual conversations we’re currently actually having. If the words "bathtub farting" are enough for the team to actually converse about what they signify, they’re enough for what they’re for. The very first step you take that’s away from "user story is a marker" is the road back to

User Stories Are Playing Pieces: The “Right Writing” Is Wrong See Full Post

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