The Judgment Premise

Today, let’s talk about microtest TDD’s Judgment Premise: "We are absolutely and permanently reliant on individual humans using their individual judgment in TDD." Folks, in these times, I gain respite in thinking & writing about geekery, and I hope you do, too. But there are more important stories, and this is just a break. Stay

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The Steering Premise

Microtest TDD’s Steering Premise is quite simple, which may be why it sometimes meets furious opposition. It says "Tests and testability are first-class citizens in design." Let’s talk that over a little. As is my wont, I remind you, TDD, and even geekery, aren’t really the most pressing story around us today. It’s comfort food,

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The Pieces Premise

The Pieces Premise says, "To get the whole thing to do what you want, start by getting each piece of it to do what you want. It’s one of the basic underpinning of microtest TDD. It’s a hard time out there for those working on social change. I want you to know how much what

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Real Programming S01E06: Getting A Little Testy

This entry is part 6 of 10 in the series Real Programming

Real Programming S01E06: Getting A Little Testy! We did good work last time, but we left some testing issues, so let’s fix that up. If you want to follow along in the code, the project is at github. Real programming, episode 6. The show where the slogan well, we ran into a couple of technical

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Real Programming S01E05: Models Don’t Do Real Work!

This entry is part 5 of 10 in the series Real Programming

Real Programming S01E05: Models Don’t Do Real Work! There’s still game stuff going on in the model, so let’s get it out of there. If you want to follow along in the code, the project is at github. Hey! Episode Five, Real Programming. The show where the slogan has 142.1 story points left before it’s

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